Is Being Physically Fit Important? Why Or Why Not? - Totally Bri LLC

Is Being Physically Fit Important? Why Or Why Not?


Being physically fit is important in life. It keeps your body healthy, makes you feel good, and gives you more energy. In this post we'll explore why being fit is so important, what it means to be fit, and how to get there.

the benefits of exercise

There are a plethora of benefits to exercise, but for the sake of brevity and clarity, we’re going to focus on seven:

  • The obvious benefit is that it makes you look and feel better.

  • Exercise helps regulate your weight, which in turn can reduce your risk of developing some diseases and improve your overall health.

  • Exercise helps reduce stress by releasing endorphins into your bloodstream (that’s right—exercise is literally good for you).

  • Exercise improves mood by increasing dopamine levels in the brain (another reason why it’s so fun!).

  • Physical activity can also help increase self-esteem and confidence through its positive effect on mood and body image—which may lead to other healthy habits like eating well or getting enough sleep!

  • Finally, physical activity boosts self-confidence through increased strength and endurance, which can help with all sorts of things from improving posture to being able to carry heavy objects without breaking a sweat

Exercise doesn't have to be painful or boring.

Exercise doesn't have to be painful or boring. It can be fun! In fact, working out is one of the best ways to relieve stress and boost your mood. Here are some examples of workouts you can do at home:

  • Put on your favorite music and dance around the house.

  • Do some pushups in front of a mirror while lip-syncing along to your favorite song. If this isn't fun enough for you, try giving yourself a makeover while doing the pushups! The more creative the better!

  • Lie down on your back with your legs up against something (a wall works well) and use them as handles while using only your arms to lift yourself off of the ground until all muscles are tensed up tight before releasing them back down again over and over again until exhaustion sets in! This is known as "planking," but don't worry—you don't need any equipment other than those strong abs we already mentioned earlier on this list since there's no weight involved here at all...or rather it would be considered zero ounces per pound because we're talking about nothingness here folks."

You're never too busy, just schedule 15 minutes a day or even 10.

You’re never too busy, just schedule 15 minutes a day or even 10. You can find time for exercise, you just need to make it a priority in your life and schedule it like any other appointment.

Exercises don’t have to be long, but they should be intense and challenging enough for you to get your heart pumping and sweat dripping down your face.

You may think that 10 minutes isn’t enough time to get anything done in the gym, but there are plenty of exercises that take less than 20 minutes! Here are some examples:

  • After warming up with 5 minutes of cardio on an elliptical machine or treadmill, perform one set each of dumbbell lunges (15 reps), push-ups (10 reps) and pull-ups (10 reps). Rest 60 seconds between each set before repeating until time expires

If you forget, no need to start from scratch.

If you forget, no need to start from scratch.

If you're like me, sometimes being physically fit is hard and a lot of times it feels like it isn't worth the effort. But don't let one day of not exercising make you feel like you have to start over. If I go a few days without working out or eating well, I just pick up where I left off and keep going until my body is strong again.

If you can't exercise at a certain time, take walks instead.

It's easy to just make excuses not to exercise. You're busy! You don't have time! But there are so many ways that you can get your body moving without having set aside a specific time in the day for it. If you have trouble getting up early and working out, go for a morning walk instead of hitting snooze. If it's too hot outside for running or biking, try walking instead. And if you want to feel good about yourself without feeling like you're trying too hard: take a walk with some friends or family members; listen to music while walking (it will help pass the time faster); read a book while walking (books are great if they're really interesting).

If you don't like exercise, start with small steps.

If you can’t bear the thought of lifting weights, running on a treadmill or sweating it out at the gym, then consider this: It doesn't have to be that way. You can find small ways to build physical activity into your day. Take a walk every morning and afternoon instead of driving if possible. Park farther from the door when you go shopping or visiting friends and family members in their homes. Make an effort to get up and move around for five minutes every hour at work—even if that means taking slow walks around the office or doing some stretches (you might even want to bring your bike helmet).

If these things sound too much like work, try finding an activity that's fun for you and also achieves your goals—like swimming laps, playing tennis with friends, dancing classes or kickboxing lessons. The important thing is just finding something physical that works for you so that it becomes enjoyable rather than another source of stress in life!

Find an activity that's fun for you and achieves your goals.

It's important to find a physical activity you enjoy. If you don't enjoy it, you won't do it.

There are many different ways to fit fitness into your life—you can dance, swim, play tennis or basketball, walk the dog…the possibilities are endless! The key is finding something that fits your personality and lifestyle and also achieves your fitness goals.

For example, if you've been told that running is an effective way of losing weight but running makes you feel exhausted or bored with no motivation to keep going then maybe cycling would be better for your needs. Or if hot yoga sounds like hell on earth then maybe try out some tai chi classes instead (or vice versa). As long as whatever activity catches your fancy and gets those endorphins flowing then there's no reason why anyone shouldn't get in shape working out every day!

To be physically fit is important in life

Being physically fit does have many benefits. For one thing, it can help you live longer and avoid some diseases. According to the CDC, regular physical activity reduces the risk of dying from heart disease by 30 percent, high blood pressure by 20 percent and the risk of diabetes by 9-12 percent.

Other health benefits include:

  • Lowering cholesterol levels

  • Improving circulation

  • Reducing stress levels (especially if you work out with friends or family)

  • A healthy body image


If you want to be physically fit, there are many ways to do it. You don't have to run marathons or spend hours at the gym. Just find an activity that's fun for you and achieve your goals in life.

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